New FYE (UNIV) Course Proposal Please review CETL’s Syllabus Design guidance when creating your syllabus. New UNIV Course Proposal Specifics Name* First Last Suffix NetID*People Soft ID*Position*Email* Phone Number*Please select your highest degree level*Ph.D.Currently enrolled in a Ph.D. programMaster's DegreeOther Terminal DegreePlease upload a copy of your CV or resume*Max. file size: 250 MB.Proposed CourseWhich UNIV course are you proposing?*UNIV 1820 - First Year Seminars focus on developing and enhancing research skills through expert lead special topics courses.UNIV 1810 (nonresidential) - Learning Communities (LC) Seminar: Students in a LC do not live together, but because they are in the same major or share a common interest, enroll in an UNIV 1810 course. Students come together and form a community through sharing common experiences.UNIV 1840 - Learning Community Service Learning explores academic, social, and cultural life at UConn through a discipline specific lens at beginning and advanced levels.UNIV 3820 - Advanced Learning Community Seminars focus on activities specific to the theme of a learning community. Student discussions and critical reflections revolve around their specific service-learning experiences.On which UConn campus are you proposing to teach?*StorrsAvery PointHartfordStamfordWaterburyCourse Title*Course Description*Learning Objectives*Please list 3-4 course learning objectives and then describe how your course works to fulfill these objectives.Please list the components that will determine a student's grade in your course and how much each component is weighted toward the final grade.Could any of your course content fall under the jurisdiction of an academic department? Please explain.*If your content could overlap, please upload communications you've had with the associated academic department, obtaining their agreement for your proposed course to go forward.Max. file size: 250 MB.Please attach a copy of your tentative syllabus.* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 250 MB. The syllabus must contain: * at least three learning objectives * information on how students will be gradedSUPPORTWill you have a Co-Instructor?*YesNoCo-Instructor's Name First Last Co-Instructor's Email Co-Instructor's People Soft IDCo-Instructor's NetIDPlease upload a copy of your CV or resume (Secondary Instructor)Max. file size: 250 MB.First Year Programs (FYP) encourages the use of an undergraduate mentor in the First Year Experience (FYE) classes. Please select the appropriate option from the drop-down below.*Yes, I will definitely want a mentor to be assigned to my class.I am interested in finding out more about working with a mentor.No, thank you. I prefer to teach without a mentor.COURSE DETAILSFor which semester should this course be listed?* Fall Spring Summer UNIV classes are 1 credit and typically meet for one hour per week. For some topics, however, other class models are preferred and we can work with you to determine such details.*Standard 14 week semester (1 hour per week)7 week semester (2 hours per week)OtherPlease indicate which model would be better for your class.Please indicate the capacity for your class.*19 studentsOtherPlease indicate what you would prefer your cap be set at and why.The majority of our classes are listed as Open for the enrollment of all first and second-year students. Some classes are listed as Instructor Consent Only in order to target a specific population of students. Please indicate the enrollment status of your class.*OpenInstructor Consent OnlyOtherIf you chose "Instructor Consent" above, please explain your rationale for this choice.If you chose Other above, please indicate how you would like your class to be listed and why.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.