Student Referrals

The Office of First Year Programs and Learning Communities is dedicated to helping students reach their full potential during their academic journey at UConn. This includes ensuring the well-being of all students enrolled in our First Year Experience Courses. If you are a FYE Instructor or Mentor who is concerned about the personal or academic well-being of a student in your class, e.g. if they are consistently missing classes, not turning in multiple assignments, or having difficulty getting connected at UConn, please make a referral through the form below.

If you are concerned that a student may harm themselves or someone else, please submit a separate referral through the UConn Care Form immediately.

Even if you do not believe that the situation is "serious", referring the student now can help us patterns of behavior which could be problematic before they escalate.


Student Referral Form

Name of Student(Required)
Have you also submitted a referral to the Care Team?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Here are a few more tips for supporting your students:

If a student has missed class...

  • Try sending a simple email, text, or message expressing care for the student. "We missed you in class this week, is everything okay?"

If a student has missed more than two classes in a row and you cannot reach them...

  • Ask your FYE Mentor to try and reach the student via email, Teams, or text.
  • Does this student seem to have a connection with any other students in your FYE class? Maybe they are part of a Breakfast Club group (if you are doing that assignment) or something similar. If so, ask that peer, “have you been in contact with so-and-so?”


Campus partners that can help you support the student...

Academic Achievement Center,

Center for Students with Disabilities,

Community Standards

Cultural Centers

Dean of Students Office

Office of Institutional Equity

Residential Life

Student Health and Wellness

Suicide Prevention Resources

Tutoring Centers

UConn Police